
Kevin Torres who is also known as Neno is a world renowned motivational speaker who during the last 12 months has created a community which consists of over 2000+ members, who come together every morning Monday to Friday at 9am to mastermind the true potential of the mind.

He has been on his mission to advise people to strategize their ideas in such a way that they would be able to create extravagantly glamorous & fulfilling lives for themselves after discovering this for himself. He grew his team from less than one hundred people to over a thousand, in a matter of a few months and went from earning $2000 a month to becoming a six figure earner, all after realizing that the real keys to success are already within us.

He has travelled to over 24 different countries & has given speeches in front of 10,000+ people at a time. He assists people to think big & have quantum leaps as he continues to have, & recognize their true potential.